Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The First

I come to you as humbly as I can on this cold rainy night.  I have to start out, I am by far not the most perfect human nor the most perfect pet owner, but I sure do try my hardest.  Now, I have the most freaking interesting dog on this planet.  My life is NEVER without some sort of disaster or funny story with this dog but God only knows that I love him with my entire heart.  

Since this is my first, Ill give a bit of a back story.  

I adopted Cash on October 14, 2017.  It was the day that my life had changed for the better.  I decided to go to the Pikes Peak Humane Society and there stood Cash (or the name they gave him at the time was Rust) and he was a dirty little nugget looking scared as ever. I was supposed to be working on my thesis as I was doing my defense in a matter of days.  Cash was so afraid of my car and crawled into a car storage thing that I had gotten from my previous job.  He was the CUTEST thing ever. We went straight from the humane society to Petsmart where I spent probably a couple hundred dollars on pet supplies because I literally had nothing. I bought him a crate because I wasn't sure how he was going to do in my apartment.  It was a Saturday when I adopted him so the next day I took him straight to the groomers.  Cash was dirty and his hair matted and filled with fleas.  Luckily the fleas weren't bad at all and one major wash cured those nasty little things. As most of my close family and friends know, Cash has some major GI issues.  He did well and was still very scared of me but seriously pooping everywhere.  The next day I had got him all set up with his crate, essential oils in the background, music, and lots of fluffy things  because it was time for me to go to work.  I had set it up in my room and left as quickly as a I could. I could hear him screeching out of fear from outside my apartment.  I thank God to this day for my workplace and understanding neighbors as I was trying to get Cash settled in.  I felt so helpless and didn't know what to do.  I finally got him set up in the living room in his crate but it just wasn't working.  So back to the drawing board I set up a little area for him in my living room where he could go in his crate but had a little place to look out the window.  To my dismay, this is where all the crazy started.  

I was luckily able to come home from work during lunch to check on him.  One day I came home from lunch and Cash had unhinged his crate (somehow) and got out (all he wanted to do was sleep on the couch).  But I had shut all my blinds just out of habit and I came home and they were torn to shreds.  I was SO pissed and convinced that Cash had eaten some blinds which would not help his very fragile GI system.  Up to this point Cash didn't have a solid poop (warning i'm very direct) and I was still trying to figure out what was going on (I had already taken him to the vet and nothing was wrong) so there he goes eating all my blinds. I literally lived with no blinds in my apartment for a couple months and it was terrible.  So with blind faith, I packed up the crate and let him run free.  To this day (with a couple mishaps) that was the best thing I did.  

I could go on forever about all the times up to this point where he had had horrible poop or when he ate my headphones but there are too many times to count. 

Up to present day, I recently moved for a new job which I will start next week.  I knew this was going to be hard on Cash so I knew we were going to have a rough couple weeks.  I had my last day of my job in CO Springs April 20 and the next day me and Cash moved our whole lives to Parker. He was doing very good and then it was time for me to go on vacation.  I was going to Cali for a country music festival (Bucket list status).  I have had this dog sitter in CO Springs set up for months for this trip so regardless of my move I still drove Cash to CO Springs to stay while I was gone.  The lady was really nice and had a cute little boy and a huge backyard.  I figured Cash was going to have a blast! So I made my mom come with me because I (of course) cried when I left him. This was the first time I was going to leave him for an extended period of time. But like a big girl I dropped him off and left for Cali.  I left a detailed note for my pet sitter (because Cash is super spoiled).  I had packed an entire weeks worth of treats, his probiotics (For his pooping), and melatonin for his anxiety.   As those who know Cash know, he is extremely food driven and you can't leave him unattended with food. I left and made it all the way out to Cali when I get a message from my dog sitter that she was in the shower, didn't put the food up, and guess what... Cash ate all the treats and probiotics for five days. I told my sitter very directly that Cash will have diarrhea because he has no probiotics and he ate way too much for his sensitive stomach. She assured me he was doing fine despite the incident. So I go on with my vacation. I had also told her not to leave Cash alone.  It was a new place, new people, and separation from me. So what does she do... LEAVE CASH ALONE.  She texted me saying that Cash had diarrhea, is he going to be okay, blah blah..  Now i'm worried even more than before. 

I went to go pick him up Monday night after I got home from the airport and the dog sitter had the "Thank god your home" face.  I didn't really know what was going on and then she told me that she didn't tell me the whole truth because she didn't want me to be worried.  She said that she left for the grocery story and came home to diarrhea that was on the walls up to her knees and all over the floor. I feel so bad for Cash because he had SO much anxiety that he had that much of a problem.  But seriously dog sitter lady.. follow my directions!! So for the last two days Cash has had so much diarrhea and he is getting used to his regular schedule again.  But now I'm very afraid because I start my new job on Monday and Cash will be left alone in my apartment… but I think he'll be okay because it's his home and I have a routine for him when I leave. But I feel so bad for the poor dog and I'm kind of pretty pissed that the lady didn't follow my directions. However it would be my dog that has the diarrhea all the way up on the wall at a strangers house. 

For now-- Cash is now glued to my side and being the little spoon while he sleeps.. I LOVE HIM and everything that happens is SO worth it! 


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